Must-Know Tips for First-Time Flyers

Must-Know Tips for First-Time Flyers

Flying for the first time can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. It's a thrilling experience to soar through the skies, but it can also be overwhelming if you're not prepared. Whether you are taking a short cross country flight or a long haul cross country, these tips from Dr. Dickson will help make your travel experience smooth, enjoyable and menorable.

Plan and Prepare in Advance:

Before your flight, checkout your airline's policies regarding baggage allowances, check-in procedures, and any additional fees. These details are usually included in your ticket. The lines at the self checkin kiosks can be long and slow, so be sure to print out your boarding pass or download it onto your phone to save time at the airport.

Arrive Early:

Aim to arrive at the airport at least two hours before your scheduled departure time for domestic flights and three hours early for international flights. This allows ample time for check-in, security screening, and navigating through the airport to your gate.

Pack Light and Smart:

Pack only the essentials in your carry-on bag to avoid unnecessary weight and fees. Your booking ticket spells out the weight limits for your personal item (backpack), carryon, and checked luggage. Remember to comply with TSA regulations regarding liquids, gels, and electronics. We covered the TSA liquids rules in details. Keep important documents like your ID, passport, and boarding pass easily accessible in a pouch or jacket pocket. Yes, a friend recently had documents snatched at a European airport, so easily accessible here doesn't mean in the open.


Must-Know Tips for First-Time Flyers Tips Infographic

Dress Comfortably and Practically:

Wear comfortable clothing and shoes that are easy to move in, especially if you have a long flight ahead. Slip ons work well because they are easily removable at the security check points. Dressing in layers is also advisable since cabin temperatures can vary. Furthermore, wearing that bulky jacket saves space in your luggage.

Stay Hydrated and Nourished:

Airplane cabins are notorious for dry air, so drink plenty of water before and during your flight to stay hydrated. Consider bringing a refillable water bottle. Pack some snacks like nuts or granola bars to keep hunger at bay during the journey.

Mind Your Health:

If you're prone to motion sickness, consider taking medication before your flight. Bring any necessary medications in your carry-on bag, along with a small first aid kit for emergencies. In front of your seat, there is always a sickness bag - it goes by many names; throw up bag,  sickness bag, airsick bag, barf bag, use it if you need to.

Be Mindful of Security Procedures:

Familiarize yourself with TSA security procedures to streamline the screening process. Remove any metal objects, liquids, and electronics from your carry-on bag before going through the security checkpoint. This will speed up the process and get you to your gate quickly.

Stay Connected:

Keep your loved ones informed about your travel plans and itinerary. Make sure your phone is fully charged and consider bringing a portable charger or power bank to stay connected throughout your journey. Most airplanes have USB ports that you can use to charge your phone but they will be of no use if you don't bring the charger with you.

Listen to Safety Briefings:

Pay attention to the safety instructions provided by the flight attendants before takeoff. Familiarize yourself with the location of emergency exits and the proper use of safety equipment. Airplanes are safer than cars, so there is no cause for alarm.

Relax and Enjoy the Experience:

Take a deep breath and relax once you're onboard the plane. You got this. Sit back, enjoy the view from your window seat, and trust in the expertise of the flight crew. Flying is one of the safest modes of transportation, so embrace the adventure and look forward to your destination.

Before you jet off, consider the significance of having dependable luggage by your side. At Loomis Travel, our Atlanta-based Direct-to-Consumer approach guarantees premium quality without the middleman's markup. Experience stress-free journeys with our unbeatable selection of carry-ons and checked bags.

By following these essential tips, first-time flyers can navigate the skies with confidence and ease. Bon voyage!,

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About the Author

Dr. Dickson W., is an Atlanta-based research scientist, passionate traveler and CEO of Loomis Travel, the direct to customer luggage company you can trust featured below.